Baseball is not golf. Yes, in both sports players attempt to hit a ball with a stick, but that's essentially where the similarities end. Baseball, unlike golf, thrives on the noisy participation of the fans. Golf asks spectators to "remain still and quiet during a player's shot [and] crowds are strongly discouraged from cheering until after a player hits the ball." Baseball will have none of that. When the home team has the game riding on the final out, or the pitcher needs some help facing a key batter, or the umpire has—to put it delicately—something in his eye, the baseball ethos expects that spectators will be on their feet making as much noise as they possibly can. Why? Because noisy spectators can affect the outcome of the game.
Later during that same game, fans from around the ballpark were featured on the big screen. Sure, you can argue that not everyone in the ballpark enjoys appearing on the big screen, but being able to display fandom is important. The big screen helps accomplish this: Presumably, you are at the ballpark to support one of the teams there, so it's a chance to publicly exhibit that you are a fan whether you give an embarrassed wave, do a crazy dance, or yell and gesticulate wildly. The camera picked several folks who exuberantly demonstrated team support. And then settled on a woman who had her head down and completely focused on her phone (maybe she was updating her Facebook status—who knows). She was oblivious to her moment of fan glory. I started to think about the role of the fan. The game goes on whether or not she is aware of it, so what does it matter?
[B]ooing, whistling, and the chanting of insults at opponents and officials might (when sustained for any length of time) induce considerable environmental stress among players, because of their intensity and novelty (1983: 253).
In Greer's study, a team of coders was employed to note sustained periods of protest, which were identified as protests (e.g., booing) that lasted 15 seconds or longer. They then tracked the teams' performances (using measures of scoring, violations, and turnovers) for five minutes after the protest episode. In short, Greer and his observers found that social reinforcement from the crowd yielded a consistent pattern of team improvement matched by a decline in effectiveness by the visiting team (255). (He employed a statistical analysis that I won't delve too deeply into here. If you're interested, the article is available via the link at the bottom.) [Above: Watching the game.]
Greer cited several studies that explain why booing may have this effect. For example, visiting athletes are already under stress before the game even begins: They must compete in an unfamiliar setting, which may increase their perception and sensitivity to adverse conditions. Once booing is added to the equation, it distracts the visiting team from the game and allows anxiety to erode performance:
Player's thoughts following surges in performance by the opposing team were diverted away from concentration on the playing process itself and towards ruminations on their recent performance and self-generated internal exhortations to improve. (1982: 258).
In addition, the longer a team has to focus on a task, the more quickly the ability to focus is depleted. Environmental stress (booing) accelerates this depletion by requiring athletes to focus more intently, using up the reserves of focus. In comparison, the home team is relatively relaxed and not intimidated by the crowd.
Baseball games are won and lost on the pitcher's mound and in the batter's box. But they're also won and lost in the stands. So get your hot dog, yes. What's baseball without hot dogs and peanuts? But don't worry about Facebook or your buddy sitting in the upper decks. Let the team know you're present and you're on their side. Or go play golf.
Photo by Anthony Hobson from Pexels
Greer, D. (1983). Spectator Booing and the Home Advantage: A Study of Social Influence in the Basketball Arena Social Psychology Quarterly, 46 (3) DOI: 10.2307/3033796

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